He designed one bike.His neme is Tim Smith.He is my friend and bike fanatic!There are his sentences as follows,
About a year ago I started riding in earnest. What I mean is that I had not actually ridden seriously for more than 20yrs and just decided based on circumstances to get back on the bike. Alot had changed in those 20yrs – material sciences brought us carbon and other composites, exotic metals were affordable and workable, techniques improved, bio-metrics evolved along with a major advancement in technology. Alot has not changed either. We still use the same basic drivetrain and more importantly, the ‘engine’ itself is the same. And underneath the skin, there is still the same driving forces of passion, innovation, competition and conditioning. As for me – I just wanted to get back on the bike and recover my body from some past injuries and feel the wind again in my face. A little gentlemen’s ‘king of the hill’ now and then wouldn’t hurt either.
Ti frame bike and divide Fixie!I feel a Samurai from this.Perhaps maybe Tim is Samurai.
He call this Toge Warroir.Oh,it’s Warroir!Samurai Warroir!!I have seen the same concept Tom Riccy.Hey Tim san,I think BBhight is so little.How about stability?Do you take priority of response??Plus, to sell this in my shop,it’s necessary to install the brake in FR.If I do not do so..it’s arrested!!
Your Toge Warrior is sensitive one and passionate one!
Tom san,Michael san,James,David san..How do you feel this Warrior??
2 コメント
I love it, but not buying any new bikes this year.. at least not this winter.. 🙂
Hi James,
Long time no see!
Nono,you should buy Fixie ASAP.Let’s ride together in Kawasaki Pista.Track ride is very exciting!!