
3-7-12 Mizonokuchi Takatsu-Ku Kawasaki City
Phone: 044 819 6037
Fax: 044 819 6038

Weekdays 14:00~21:00
Weekends / Holidays 13:00~19:00
Thursday Closed

Whether you’re looking for a new high-end road bike, a street ready fixie or the ultimate NJS track bike c speed has got you covered. Our friendly staff will work double-time to communicate with you in basic English so you can get the ride you want, setup to perfection.

c speed actively participates in the Keihin Pista Club and supports riders that want to ride and race on the track. Drop in and find out about our next track day. We can help you get setup with a beautiful track racing bike and all the NJS components you need.

Give us a call or stop in for a visit anytime.

Come out to our bright and spacious store located on the Yokohama Blue and Green lines, and we’ll gladly talk to you about your cycling needs and help you get out on the road with the best equipment possible.

c speed


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